Museum Director Position Posted

Museum Advisory Council
Great news: we have begun the search for a founding Museum Director! The position has been posted online and we are actively reviewing applications. Interested parties can view all information about the job, including description, qualifications, and how to apply online at the UA Talent website.
From the description:
The director will be responsible for institutional vision and strategy: refining the vision for the institution as its founding Director through the development of a strategic plan and related documents, overseeing a building renovation project by coordinating the efforts of partners in UA Planning, Design, and Construction and private design and construction firms, and stewarding relationships with key internal and external stakeholders. The incumbent will also engage in fundraising: cultivating, soliciting gifts from, and stewarding major donors/prospects. In addition, the incumbent will manage finances and personnel: overseeing the daily operations of the museum, including staff hiring and supervision, guest management, budget planning, and expenditures, overseeing the development of exhibits and collections, and supervising the development and delivery of educational programming related to natural resources for public enrichment and engagement. Initially, the incumbent's effort will be heavily weighted toward tasks related to vision, strategy, and fundraising. After the museum's building is renovated, the incumbent's effort in the area of managing finances and personnel will increase.
Read full position description and submit an application here.