Spooky Building Tour

Oct. 29, 2020

It's no secret that our building at 1502 W. Washington Street is old - almost 100 years old, which is pretty impressive for Phoenix! Built in 1921, it originally served as the El Zaribah Shrine Auditorium. In 1991, it was renovated in order to become the Arizona Mining and Mineral Museum, but it still retains some spooky features from the century-old building. (Click here for full history of the collection.)

We recently captured some photos of the museum's creepiest and not often shared corners - from the basement 'pit' to the underground mining equipment of days past, all with a little help from a skeleton friend. Enjoy and Happy Halloween!

We hope you enjoyed this spooky virtual tour. Thank you for your understanding and support during these uncertain times. This time last year we held our first public event and we look forward to doing that again once COVID permits. We'll keep you updated. Happy Halloween from the AMMNRE Museum!